BECC - Basic Expandable Core Cutter

Introducing the most versatile, flexible and economical core cutting system ever developed - a modular machine which can be upgraded cost-effectively to serve the changing requirements of any application. With the BECC system, the basic cutting module can be upgraded step-by-step to almost any degree of automation and core handling capability.

Your mill will never need to re-invest large amounts of capital in completely new automatic equipment for processing cores. Upgrade modules are simply added onto the basic system according to your facility’s expanding needs.

Best of all, the simplicity of the system makes it easy to maintain, and cutting accuracy and quality is consistently excellent.

BECC’s design ensures that your system will never become obsolete. It allows your plant to optimize its core processing capability as it needs to - at a reasonable cost, and with a quick, uncomplicated installation

Installation Photos

Manual Core Cutter
The cutting unit is operated by push buttons.
Cut length setting is manual.
Loading of infeed chute is manual.
Removal of cut cores from outfeed chute is manual.

Photo: Specialty Paper Mill, Spain

Semi - Automatic Core Cutter with Loading Table
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0.5 mm).
Manual loading.
Automatic positioning and cutting sequence.
Automatic ejection of cut cores to collecting chute.
Manual removal of trim pieces.

Photo: Specialty Paper Mill, France

Semi - Automatic Core Cutter with Loading Table
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0.5 mm).
Automatic infeed from loading table (table is manually loaded).
Automatic ejection of cut cores to collecting table.
Manual removal of trim pieces

Photo: Kraft Paper Mill, Portugal

Semi - Automatic Core Cutter with Core Magazine
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0,5mm).
Automatic infeed from parent core magazine.
Automatic ejection of cut cores to collecting table.
Trim pieces automatically separated by trim flap.

Photo: Kraft Paper Mill, Sweden

Fully Automatic Core Cutter with outfeed to collecting table
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0,5mm).
Automatic infeed from parent core magazine.
Additional infeed from loading table (table manually loaded).
Automatic outfeed to collecting table.
Trim pieces automatically separated by trim flap.

Photo: LWC Paper Mill, Sweden

Fully Automatic Core Cutter with outfeed to core carts
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0,5mm).
Automatic infeed from parent core magazine
Automatic outfeed to core carts
Trim pieces automatically separated by trim flap.

Photo: Newsprint Mill, Sweden

Fully Automatic Core Cutting & Handling System with Parent Core Robot
PLC controlled.
Automatic precision cut length setting (+/- 0,5mm).
Automatic infeed by robot from four parent core magazines
Automatic outfeed to core feeding conveyors.
Trim pieces automatically separated by trim flap.

Photo: Fine Paper Mill, Sweden